AC Visits New Dimensions Soccer Program

AC St. Louis’ Chad Becker and Dillion Barna along with Saint Louis Athletica midfielder Carolyn Blank made a special visit to the New Dimensions Soccer program on Monday evening, April 19, to help distribute equipment, sign autographs, give away some tickets, and play some soccer.

New Dimensions Soccer is a Learning Organization styled after the model developed by the Center for Organizational Learning at the MassachusettsInstitute of Technology’s Sloan School of Management, which draws the blueprint for an organization “…where people expand their capacity to create the results they truly desire.”

New Dimensions Soccer is an outreach program that is multicultural and generative. The organizations strives to connect with refugee, immigrant children and their families who are new to St. Louis. The participants come from such war-ravaged countries as Liberia, Somalia, Afghanistan, and Russia. The program New Dimensions employs works to help build life skills for the underprivileged, assimilate immigrants, and expose hometown children to cultural diversity. New Dimensions started with just four teams in June of 2005, by the following year they had over 120 teams and they continue to thrive and grow today.

“I had so much fun tonight with the group New Dimensions, the kids all brought such a great attitude and were really excited to have us there They were so enthusiastic when it came to playing as well, it was a really great experience,” stated Athletica midfielder Carolyn Blank. “I think that New Dimensions is a great opportunity for children to become involved. The attitude demonstrated within the program teaches the children respect and responsibility and I believe that these are such important aspects for children to learn at a young age,” Blank continued. “I would really like to work with New Dimensions again because they were so welcoming! The kids were so energetic, and it was nice to get out and do what I love most with them.”

The equipment provided for New Dimensions was the result of a yearlong effort by Athletica Head Coach Jorge Barcellos’ “Athletes of the Future” program. Last year Saint Louis Athletica’s “Street Team” collected used soccer equipment at events throughout the season. Now that equipment has a home.

“The amount of equipment we received is incredible,” enthused Tim Tettambel of New Dimensions.“Our shed is now full with gear that will be distributed to our players.”

“This program is making a difference for these kids. We had a boy today whose mom didn’t think she would be able to bring him,” said Tom Michler from New Dimensions. “The kids was in tears according to his mom, so she brought him since we were able to give him a ride home.”

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